VIDEO: Experiential Learning: Learning Directly from Practice in Nursing Education

Patricia Benner, MSN, R.N. Ph.D., FAAN. One of the ‘taken for granted’, hidden assumptions about teaching and learning in most of academia, including nursing education, is guided by a disproven Cartesian view of how the mind works, based upon Descartes (1644; 1993; Dreyfus and Taylor, 2015; Taylor, 2016; Damasio, 2005). This mistaken assumption is that …

Dr. Benner on Nursing Process & Clinical Reasoning Process

VIDEO: Teaching Clinical Reasoning – Helping Students Become More Test and Practice-Ready

  Patricia Benner on the nature of clinical reasoning, and the importance focusing on key aspects of clinical reasoning in practice: situational awareness, rapid clinical reasoning, and thinking-in-action. A better understanding and teaching of clinical reasoning will make students more test-ready and more practice-ready. This is especially relevant to help new graduates for the upcoming …

Dr. Benner & Dr. Chan on Rapid clinical reasoning in a clinical crisis

A Rich First-Person Narrative Account of Rapid Clinical Reasoning, Situational Awareness and Situated Thinking in action.

  Dr. Garrett Chan, RN, PhD, FAAN,  provides a clinical example from his own practice as an expert Emergency Department Nurse. Please reflect on the nature of his clinical reasoning, his situational awareness, and his rapid mobilization of the surgical team, as well as how he considered the significance of informing the wife of how …

Slide Stating The Practice Apprenticeship

Health Impact Series: The Practice Apprenticeship Part 1

  Our series with with Dr. Garrett Chan commemorating the anniversary of the publication of Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation concludes with these presentations from two outstanding educators who have insights on improving the Practice Apprenticeship in these challenging times of the Covid Pandemic. We begin with a critique of the Nursing Process …

Slide Stating The Practice Apprenticeship

Health Impact Series: The Practice Apprenticeship Part 2

  Our series with with Dr. Garrett Chan commemorating the anniversary of the publication of Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation concludes with these presentations from two outstanding educators who have insights on improving the Practice Apprenticeship in these challenging times of the Covid Pandemic. We begin with a critique of the Nursing Process …