An Introduction to Classroom Discussion Triggers

by Patricia Benner, copyright 1-30-2015 In honor and appreciation for my Mentor in Nursing Education, Dr. Rheba De Tornay, and with encouragement and examples from Dr. Sarah Shannon at University of Washington, I am introducing the Pedagogical Strategy of “Discussion Triggers”, a provocative, often dramatic introduction to a topic for discussion, inquiry, and problem-solving.  As …

Discussion Triggers Starting Point

This collection of videos are great examples of “discussion triggers” which can be used in large classrooms and smaller seminar discussions. We seek to illustrate the pedagogy of planned dialogical conversation that is engaged and connected, that can follow these thought-provoking videos with some advanced coaching from the Teacher.  Faculty can find other discussion triggers …

Enriching the Practice Apprenticeship During a Time of Limited Clinical Placements: Integrating Classroom, Online and Practice Teaching

  Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN Copyright February 6, 2022 We will explore ways to enrich the Practice Apprenticeship in order to improve practice-readiness of nurse graduates (Chan and Burns, 2021; Kavanagh & Sharpnack, 2021) in the midst of limited clinical placements due to the COVID Pandemic. We examined the Ethical Comportment and Formation and …

Slide Stating The Practice Apprenticeship

Health Impact Series: The Practice Apprenticeship Part 1

  Our series with with Dr. Garrett Chan commemorating the anniversary of the publication of Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation concludes with these presentations from two outstanding educators who have insights on improving the Practice Apprenticeship in these challenging times of the Covid Pandemic. We begin with a critique of the Nursing Process …

Slide Stating The Practice Apprenticeship

Health Impact Series: The Practice Apprenticeship Part 2

  Our series with with Dr. Garrett Chan commemorating the anniversary of the publication of Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation concludes with these presentations from two outstanding educators who have insights on improving the Practice Apprenticeship in these challenging times of the Covid Pandemic. We begin with a critique of the Nursing Process …

Enriching the Cognitive Apprenticeship: Combatting Racism. Practice Apprenticeship: Improving Inter-Professional Communication and Teamwork

  November 8, 2021 Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D. FAAN We continue to focus on enriching and integrating the three high-end apprenticeships: 1) The Cognitive Apprenticeship dealing with the science, technologies, humanities required for knowledgeable, safe nursing practice; 2) The Practice Apprenticeship focuses on skilled know-how,  the productive higher-order thinking in action required for safe and …

Health Impact Update: The Cognitive & Practice Apprenticeships pt. 1

  Two very powerful videos in this series deal with combatting racism in healthcare policy and practice as well as how to integrate and inspire effective teamwork among the healing professions. The Cognitive Apprenticeship videos show why these two topics are so interwoven. Drs. Kenya Beard and Meg Zamorodi demonstrate the framework and the steps …

Health Impact Update: The Cognitive & Practice Apprenticeships pt. 2

  Two very powerful videos in this series deal with combatting racism in healthcare policy and practice as well as how to integrate and inspire effective teamwork among the healing professions. The Cognitive Apprenticeship videos show why these two topics are so interwoven. Drs. Kenya Beard and Meg Zamorodi demonstrate the framework and the steps …

Health Impact Update: The Cognitive & Practice Apprenticeships pt. 3

  Three very powerful videos in this series deal with combatting racism in healthcare policy and practice as well as how to integrate and inspire effective interprofessional teamwork among health professionals. The Cognitive Apprenticeship videos show why these two topics provide such significant enrichment to the Cognitive Apprenticeships in all schools of nursing. Drs. Kenya …

Health Impact Series pt. 2 – The Ethical Comportment and Formation Apprenticeship featuring Dr. Marsha Fowler

  This series of insights from noted nurse educators stems from a webinar that marked the 10-year anniversary of the landmark study by The Carnegie Foundation on nursing education. and The Benner Institute for Teaching and Learning hosted scholars who addressed the three professional apprenticeships. The first two videos offer insights on ethics education …