What Happens When Hospitals Run out of Ventilators and Other Emergency Rescue Equipment?

Our overwhelmed, or soon to be overwhelmed hospitals, face rationing precious life-saving equipment, such as ventilators. Our national lack of preparedness for a global pandemic will, in the near future, force local physicians and nurses to ration ventilators and oxygen delivery equipment,  for patients and  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for caregivers.  How do health care providers …

Rapid Change in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Being Flexible and Innovative in the Wake of Disruption

Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN March 26, 2020 Amid this COVID-19 Pandemic, graduating the current senior nursing students and preparing all to graduate on time is critical to meeting health care needs with our current nursing shortage. We pause to reflect on how nurse educators can be innovative when the stakes are so high. I …

Nurses are stepping up to the plate in this COVID-19 Crisis

Nurses are stepping up to the plate in this COVID-19 Crisis. We’re reading and hearing about hand-made face masks, nurses and doctors who are marooned by lack of COVID-19 tests, and even isolation strategies needed within their own families! We have a venerable tradition of service, and it is wonderful to belong to such a …

COVID-19 Coronavirus Infections Viruses

Finding Online Clinical Replacement Solutions During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Delayed availability of 2020 graduates would add to the crisis in our health care system that is struggling to care for patients in the COVID-19 pandemic. Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D. FAAN Copyright March 19, 2020 Most nursing schools are currently closed and are required to teach only online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, …

Kari Martinsen: The Art of Sensing and Meeting the Patient in Authentic Care

  Part 2: Nursing takes place largely in Health Care Industrial organizations where efficiency, speed of completing tasks, are emphasized. This emphasis runs counter to many caring practices central to excellent nursing…the art of listening, of being present, available to respond to the concerns of patients and families.  Dr. Kari Martinsen’s work on caring emphasizes …

Science, Art, Aesthetics and Ethics; The Necessity of Openness and Compassion in Nursing

  Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN EducatingNurses.com Copyright February, 2020 With the next two EducatingNurses.com articles in February and March, we hope to re-invigorate the dialogue about the art and science of nursing with contributions by two outstanding Norwegian scholars, Dr. Kari Martinsen and Dr. Eva Gjengedal. Nursing as art and science might have once …

Beyond the “Banking and Sage on Stage” Metaphors for Teaching and Learning—Better Metaphors and Teachers who Foster Discovery and Transformational Learning

Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN Copyright August 15, 2019 Metaphors can inspire reflection, exploration, and articulation of approaches to teaching and learning. Paulo Friere (1970; 2000) critiqued the dominant “banking metaphor” for teaching and learning. By banking metaphor, he meant teaching students as if they are passive, empty bank accounts into which the teacher’s goal is to …