Creating a Climate for Curiosity, Engagement, and Developing Therapeutic Communication Skills
Camtasia Podcast By Dr. Glenise McKenzie This podcast prepares students for an Assessment of Depression and Suicide risk on an “adolescent” in the classroom. Dr. McKenzie presents the epidemiology of depression across the lifespan, as well as presenting the assessment tools, genetic, biochemical, and environmental risk factors for depression and suicide across the lifespan. …
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Patricia Benner R.N., Ph.D., In Conversation and Association with Dr. Stephanie Sedaris, Copyright 2014 Most agree that much of the learning from simulation comes from post-simulation debriefing and reflection, yet faculty are in the earliest stages of conducting research or even describing what is most and least effective in debriefing sessions after simulations. Prior to …
Why authentic, unfolding case studies are essential in the education of a nurse -Patricia Benner (copyright, 2011) Educational research supports the effectiveness of teaching students multiple ways of thinking, including clinical reasoning, critical thinking, and creative thinking. Clinical Reasoning is a form of practical reasoning, i.e., reasoning across time about the particular through changes in …
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Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN Learning a practice discipline is ideal for both simulation and direct experiential learning from practice. But the design of the simulations must be practice-domain specific and pedagogically sound for teaching good practice. Teaching nursing practice requires: -Experiential learning in high stakes environments -Expertise Depends on Relational Skills and Clinical Imagination …