Needed: Clinical Leaders for Excellent Nursing Practice

Eloise Balasco Cathcart. MSN, RN, FAAN Director of Education, Patricia Benner, MSN, R.N. Ph.D., FAAN. Executive Director,  “Most acute care units are now staffed with less seasoned nurses. Many young nurses don’t experience that awe when they watch a mentor intuitively grasp that the patient is crashing, even before any data exists. I …

Nurse with patient in hospital bed

Enriching and Extending Experiential Learning from Clinical Practice, Why Learning from Practice is Indispensable

January  2024 Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN John Benner, Doctoral Candidate University of Washington, Seattle, WA The primary goal of clinical assignments is for students to experientially learn directly from practice what cannot be learned any other way or from any other sources. This is as much about learning how to learn from clinical experience …