Clarifying and Exemplifying Distinctions between “Knowing That” and “Knowing How and When” with Linda Brown

  In all practice disciplines (e.g., nursing, medicine, law, teaching, etc) knowing theory and setting goals for interventions and so on is not enough. It will not ensure that one can actually carry out the plans or use the knowledge of what needs to happen in actual particular cases where patient and illness particularities often …

Linda Brown teaching

Higher-Order Productive Thinking in Clinical Teaching and Learning

Situated Learning, Understanding Learning as Embodied, Embedded in Context, and Extended in Interaction with Context — A Video of Situated Use of Knowledge in Clinical Learning, Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D. FAAN   March 10, 2018 Practice-based learning requires that the student learn directly from practice, not just apply theory, but through attentiveness and curiosity gain …

Concept Based Clinical Assignments for Deeper Learning

  Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D. FAAN …in the current nursing education climate, faculty need to use a wider repertoire of clinical models and strategies to foster the depth of student learning and their development of clinical judgment. Kathie Lasater, EdD, RN, ANEF; Ann Nielsen, MN, RN Jo. of Nursing Education, 8,2009 Vol. 48, p. 446. …