Situated Coaching with Preceptor Alyssa Boldt

  This short video illustrates “situated coaching” for a new graduate nurse while providing direct, safe participation to create maximum clinical learning. By situated coaching, we mean teaching and experiential learning in actual clinical situations. The new graduate is coached to understand clinical implications as the situation unfolds. Learning directly from whole clinical situations has high impact …

Alyssa Boldt sits down with Dr. Benner

The Essential Role of the Preceptor – Pt. 2

  The best clinical teachers coach new nurses to develop habits of mind that allow them to learn directly from whole practice situations. Some of the most important coaching for the advanced beginner comes from the preceptor. We interviewed excellent preceptors in Spokane, Washington  who teach for highly reliable practice and feature them on …

Alyssa Boldt sits down with Dr. Benner

The Essential Role of the Preceptor – Pt. 1

The Essential Role of the Preceptor  The best clinical teachers coach new nurses to develop habits of mind that allow them to learn directly from whole practice situations. Some of the most important coaching for the advanced beginner comes from the preceptor. We interviewed excellent preceptors in Spokane, Washington  who teach for highly reliable practice …

Alyssa Bolt speaking with Dr. Benner

Clinical Precepting:  Situated Coaching and Learning—The Heart of Highly Reliable Organizations

  Lisa Day, RN, PhD, CNE, Vice Dean for Educational Innovation, WSU Patricia Benner, RN, PhD,  Professor, Emerita, UCSF copyright 2018 In our last article (, July 30), we began a series on clinical teaching and learning. In this article and forthcoming follow-up articles, we weave two major perspectives together to characterize key aspects of …