Alyssa Bolt speaking with Dr. Benner

Clinical Precepting:  Situated Coaching and Learning—The Heart of Highly Reliable Organizations

  Lisa Day, RN, PhD, CNE, Vice Dean for Educational Innovation, WSU Patricia Benner, RN, PhD,  Professor, Emerita, UCSF copyright 2018 In our last article (, July 30), we began a series on clinical teaching and learning. In this article and forthcoming follow-up articles, we weave two major perspectives together to characterize key aspects of …

Lisa Day Speaking

Situated Clinical Teaching and Learning

  The dominant clinical teaching focus on “knowing that and knowing about,” with little focus on “knowing how and when,” causes clinical educators to overlook the kinds of learning experiences and clinical teaching practices that help new nurses develop life-saving, situated clinical nursing assessments and interventions. ©2018 Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN, Lisa Day, R.N., …