Science, Art, Aesthetics and Ethics; The Necessity of Openness and Compassion in Nursing

  Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN Copyright February, 2020 With the next two articles in February and March, we hope to re-invigorate the dialogue about the art and science of nursing with contributions by two outstanding Norwegian scholars, Dr. Kari Martinsen and Dr. Eva Gjengedal. Nursing as art and science might have once …

Beyond the “Banking and Sage on Stage” Metaphors for Teaching and Learning—Better Metaphors and Teachers who Foster Discovery and Transformational Learning

Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN Copyright August 15, 2019 Metaphors can inspire reflection, exploration, and articulation of approaches to teaching and learning. Paulo Friere (1970; 2000) critiqued the dominant “banking metaphor” for teaching and learning. By banking metaphor, he meant teaching students as if they are passive, empty bank accounts into which the teacher’s goal is to …

Diane Pestolesi coaching volleyball

Diane Pestolesi: Coaching

  Diane Pestolesi’s metaphor is coaching. This opens up possibilities for situated teaching and learning in actual clinical practice.  She asks questions, assesses students’ approaches and practical understandings, and offers situated coaching.  

Using Real Unfolding Clinical Cases to Trigger Classroom Discussion with Sarah Shannon

  Sarah Shannon, who teaches clinical nursing ethics, provides real clinical cases that raise ethical issues and asks students what they would do in the situation.  The case featured here is compelling and involves the ethical demand of disclosing the error of starting resuscitation on a patient who has a DNR order, unbeknownst to the clinical staff in …

Linda Brown teaching

Higher-Order Productive Thinking in Clinical Teaching and Learning

Situated Learning, Understanding Learning as Embodied, Embedded in Context, and Extended in Interaction with Context — A Video of Situated Use of Knowledge in Clinical Learning, Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D. FAAN   March 10, 2018 Practice-based learning requires that the student learn directly from practice, not just apply theory, but through attentiveness and curiosity gain …

Linda Felver Teaching

“Making Soup”: Linda Felver Describes Her Metaphor For Teaching

  This lively interview captures Dr. Felver’s wisdom in teaching for different learning styles.  Linda Felver has two apt metaphors for her highly interactive and situated coaching style of teaching.  For instance,  one metaphor is “making soup.” Students and teacher will each bring ingredients for learning and mix them in order to “mix soup together.” …

Student answers question

Linda Felver Classroom: Teaching Science Situated In Clinical Practice

  Dr. Felver is a master teacher who has a combined Ph.D. in Science and Nursing.  She is one of the most often-mentioned teachers by students  learning to use pathophysiology and clinical pharmacology in clinical practice. Teachers frequently mention Dr. Felver as a key mentor for them in learning to teach.  Students love her highly …

The Master Teacher Sparks Curiosity and Facilitates Transformative Learning – ARTICLE

By Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D. FAAN April  28, 2015, copyright 2015 Our Team and I are reflecting on the many provocative and engaging conversations at the ATI Summit in San Diego April 19-22nd, 2015. Our Co-Producer, June Hagman, was asked, “What does being a ‘Master Teacher’ mean? Master Teacher, Dr. Hubert L. Dreyfus describes master …