Recommendations Made: The Impact on Curricula

Curriculum Implications for the Current Major External Reports on Nursing Education: The Carnegie National Study of Nursing Education; The IOM/Robert Wood Johnson, The Lancet and Quality and Safety in Reports Originally Prepared by Patricia Benner for Seattle University School of Nursing Curriculum Committee and Faculty.  September 14, 2011.  Edited by Patricia Benner for, March …

Reviving and Renewing Graduate School Preparation for Teaching Nursing Courses

Graduate Nursing programs in the United States have neglected teacher training courses as a requirement because of pressures related to required clinical hours at the graduate level.  With so many required clinical hours in all Advanced Practice Courses, it seemed necessary to many educators to limit the amount of teacher training, both at the Master’s, …

Woman and Man role play as a mother and father in a poverty simulation

The Role of a Faculty Community in Designing a Transformative Curriculum

There are many pejorative terms to describe the conflicts, arguments and difficulties getting faculty “on the same page” or “going in the same direction.”  Many call developing orchestrated activity on the part of diverse, creative, autonomy oriented, critical thinking faculty members like “herding cats.”  But that is pejorative, only if you are not a cat …

Designing a Transformative Curriculum in Nursing Education

by: Patricia Benner Many schools of nursing are embarked upon transforming their nursing curriculum in response to the Carnegie National Study of Nursing Education, the IOM/Robert Woods Johnson Futures Report, the Lancet Report, The Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Education, and the QSEN Report on Quality and Safety Education for Nurses. These external demands are met …