Experiential Learning From Practice: Using Situated Coaching and Clinical Narratives 

Patricia Benner, MSN, R.N. Ph.D., FAAN. John Benner, Ph.D.C., University of Washington One of the ‘taken for granted’, hidden assumptions about teaching and learning in most of academia, including nursing education, is guided by a disproven Cartesian view of how the mind works, based upon Descartes (1644; 1993; Dreyfus and Taylor, 2015; Taylor, 2016; Robbins …

Needed: Clinical Leaders for Excellent Nursing Practice

Eloise Balasco Cathcart. MSN, RN, FAAN Director of Education, EducatingNurses.com Patricia Benner, MSN, R.N. Ph.D., FAAN. Executive Director, EducatingNurses.com  “Most acute care units are now staffed with less seasoned nurses. Many young nurses don’t experience that awe when they watch a mentor intuitively grasp that the patient is crashing, even before any data exists. I …

Nurses assisting a patient

Urgent Need: Teaching Strategies that Promote Lifelong Experiential Learning

Innovative Teaching Approaches to Help Students become Practice-Ready Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN John Benner, Doct. Cand. University of Washington, Seattle. Amid an acute nursing shortage, new nurses enter practice with limited experience, creating patient safety problems, high cost of orienting,  high stress and dropout rates for new graduates. The problem is highlighted in research. …

Facilitating Students’ Learning from Practice: The Centrality of Experiential Learning in Practice Disciplines

Educators in all practice disciplines have erred on the side of thinking that all knowledge is just a matter of “applying” what is conceptually and technically already known, a rational-calculation approach Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D. FAAN John Benner, Doctoral Candidate at University of Washington, Seattle, WA Experiential learning directly from practice is central to all …

Learning from Experience—Mistakes and Successes in Caring for COVID-19 Patients

Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN EducatingNurses.com  June 3, 2021 The COVID-19 Pandemic confronted healthcare workers at all levels with a new disease fraught with uncertainty, unknown pathology, uncharted trajectories with high acuity, and mortality rates, especially in older age groups. Common clinical trends, signs and symptoms, sequelae, best treatments, prevention, and intervention strategies, and more, …

The Art of Asking Open-Ended Questions, Allowing ‘Think Time’ & Providing Thoughtful Responses with Lisa Day

  Lisa Day Demonstrates how she prompts students’ clinical thinking. She uses silence to allow students to think and then gives thoughtful responses to their answers.  Questioning is at the heart of creating clinical imagination and developing the student’s understanding of particular clinical situations.  Open-ended questions, with no one right or wrong answer, reveal the …

Sarah Shannon teaching a class

Learning From First Person Experience Near Narratives

Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D. FAAN Copyright 2016 During the past 30 years, more ethicists have paid attention to the role of narratives in presenting exemplary practice. More attention in learning and understanding moral life and ethical comportment is being paid to exemplary people and events that reveal and demonstrate excellent ethical comportment. Narratives can reveal …

Nursing student works in a simulation lab

The Implications of Teaching and Learning in a Practice: Paying Attention to Situated Thinking and Action in Practice – ARTICLE

  Patricia Benner, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN copyright June, 2015 What are the teaching and learning implications of teaching a practice? Practice, as defined here, follows the influential definition from Alasdair MacIntyre’s third edition of After Virtue (2007): A socially organized activity that has socially embedded knowledge, science, traditions,and practices, all with notions of what constitutes good practice that …